About & FAQ

What is Slow Dating?

Finding a relationship is tough enough, but it seems the dating scene is even tougher in Berlin. People come and go, people have different expectations and values, and it can be hard to build a solid enough friend group to socialize with.

In the past, most people met their partners through friends, at a bar, or at a party – no apps involved. We try to create that friendly, relaxed atmosphere by organizing small group hangouts and encouraging you to live in the moment. Unlike meetups or hanging in bars, everyone at our events is single and open to chat. We offer optional icebreakers and games to help you start chatting, but our events are focused on one key concept: relax and be yourself!

😨No awkward 1-on-1s – you hang out in small, mixed-gender groups so it feels like chilling with friends.

🎉30-40 minutes per group, enough time to loosen up and go beyond small talk.

👫 50/50 gender balance at our hetero events (Queer events are coming soon.)

🐱 No creeps or catfish. Attendees identities are verified before the event. We have a 0 tolerance policy for any creepy behavior.

🎲 Games and conversation starters: We’ll provide Cards Against Humanity, Exploding Kittens, playing cards, and a (totally optional) ‘emergency conversation starter jar’ with fun and random questions.

❤️ No pressure to make a move.  Put your phone away! There’ll be an opportunity to match with anyone you’re interested in after the event.

What age group is the event aimed at?

It varies from event to event, but the biggest group is usually 30-somethings. The age range is usually around 25-42. If you’re a little younger, or older, but comfortable meeting people in that age range, it’s still all good!

If you think that’s not your scene, please stay tuned. We’ll be organizing a Student Night (younger crowd) and 45+ event in the next few months.

What language is spoken at the events?

For now, our events are run through English. We usually have a wide mix of nationalities and people from across the world. We also plan to run events in German next year.

Why do I need to provide social media links when signing up?

Your host checks each profile to make sure nobody is catfishin’. You must be a real person, using your real name. The host also checks that you are do not have obvious red flags, for example posting crazy incel content about abusing women. We also check that you are not clearly in a monogamous relationship, and trying to use our events to cheat. As long as you don’t do these things, you will be very welcome at the event. The social media check exists to deter people who are dishonest or shady. This helps make sure we have a nice crowd and ensures safety for everyone involved.

Will there be food at the event?

Your host will bring free homebaked food, usually muffins, brownies, cookies, or other snacks. We go to different event venues all the time, so the food on offer can vary. If you have a special diet, it could be a good idea to check the venue’s menu in advance. We generally try to choose places with a diverse menu, to satisfy different tastes and needs.

Have people actually met partners from Slow Dating?

Slow Dating was born in August 2024, so it seems a little soon to say if any marriages started here.. but we have had plenty of people go on dates! If you meet anyone from the events again, please stay in touch and let us know how it went.

Should I ask for people’s numbers at the event, or wait until the ‘matchmaking’ round afterwards?

We encourage you to live in the moment, put your phone away, and just feel the vibe. If you think you really hit it off with someone, there’s no rule against asking for their number. But there’s no pressure to! Your host will email you about online matchmaking immediately after the event, and you’ll be able to express your interest in people then.

Do you also run Queer events?

We’re planning to do it eventually! Your host is working with people in the community to figure out what format would work best.

Can I bring my dog or my child?

Even though we love dogs, we do think it’s a little easier to leave them at home. Some venues may be fine for a dog.. but some could be a little overwhelming. With 20-25 people, it can be noisy, you can get distracted chatting, and men move table every 45 minutes (so it isn’t very easy for the dog to nap or relax). If your dog is very social, and it’s an outdoor event, it could be fine. But please consider your dog’s stress before bringing them. We ask you to please not bring your children. Even though our event is cute and wholesome, it is for adults only.

I have something else happening the day of the event. Is it ok to arrive late or late early?

We hate to sound super anal about it, but… we only recommend attending the event if you can commit to the full scheduled time. If you leave early or arrive late, you have less time and don’t get to meet everyone. Also, the event is planned to be 50% men and 50% women.. so if somebody is missing, it disrupts the balance of the group.

If you have a busy day, don’t worry, there’ll be other chances! Head to the Slow Dating Events page, we probably have space for you on another date.